Daily Bulletin

Lunch today is cheese stuffed breadstick with warm marinara.  Tomorrow is biscuit and gravy with sausage link.


HIGH SCHOOL   All FFA members, there will be a meeting this Thursday at lunch please plan to attend. 

MIDDLE SCHOOL  Math is Cool tryouts for 6th graders will be held after school (from 3:10-4:00) in Mrs. Byrnes' room tomorrow and Thursday.

SPORTS & ACTIVITIES  Who: Cross Country Team What: End of the year Banquet When: Tonight , Time: 6:00 PM  Where: Auditorium  Please bring a dish to share with your team.

If you missed the boys’ basketball informational meeting, please go see Coach Armstrong. Try-outs begin Monday, Nov. 18th @ 5:45pm.

Don’t forget, if you are planning on playing a winter sport you must register on FamilyID for that particular sport.  Even if you played a sport in the fall.  Also, you must have a current sports physical on file and an ASB card.

Just a reminder there is boys’ basketball open gym every Tuesday and Thursday from 7pm-8:30pm. Great opportunity to get ready for the upcoming season.


MS Girls Basketball

VS Rainier WA


Release students @ 1:50

Bus leaves @ 2:05


MS Wrestling

